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The Evolution of the Negroni: Introducing the Grapefruit Negroni

The tale of the Negroni cocktail is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, much like the drink itself. Rooted in the heart of Italy, the classic Negroni has been a staple in the world of cocktails for over a century. The traditional narrative tells us of Count Camillo Negroni, who, in 1919, sought a stronger variant of his beloved Americano cocktail at Caffe Casoni in Florence. The bartender, Fosco Scarselli, innovated by substituting soda water with gin, giving birth to the Negroni as we know it. However, this origin story is contested by descendants of General Pascal Olivier de Negroni, who argue that their ancestors concocted the drink in Africa decades earlier. Regardless of its true creator, the Negroni’s enduring legacy is undisputed, celebrated for its perfect balance of bitterness and complexity.

As cocktail enthusiasts, our fascination with the Negroni isn’t just about its rich history; it’s also about the endless possibilities it represents for creativity and innovation in mixology. This brings us to our January Cocktail of the Month: the Grapefruit Negroni. This twist on the classic formula champions grapefruit, a winter fruit that peaks during the colder months despite its association with warmer climates. The addition of grapefruit not only combats the winter gloom with its bright and tangy flavor but also complements the herbal notes of Campari and gin surprisingly and delightfully.

Crafting the Perfect Grapefruit Negroni

To fully appreciate the nuanced flavors of this variant, one must prioritize freshness and quality. Here’s how you can craft your own Grapefruit Negroni:



  1. Begin by squeezing the grapefruit slices into a cocktail shaker, then add the fruit to the shaker.
  2. Add the gin, sweet vermouth, Campari, and ice to the shaker.
  3. Shake vigorously until well-chilled.
  4. Strain the mixture into an Old Fashioned glass filled with ice.
  5. Garnish with a wide strip of grapefruit peel, allowing the oils to complement the drink’s aromatic profile zestfully.

This Grapefruit Negroni is more than just a cocktail; it’s a testament to the adaptability and timeless appeal of the original recipe. The addition of grapefruit offers a sweeter yet still sophisticated alternative to the classic bitter flavor, making it an ideal choice for those looking to explore the depth of Negroni with a seasonal twist.

As we embrace the cold season, the Grapefruit Negroni is a vibrant beacon of flavor, marrying the traditional with the contemporary. Whether you’re a long-time Negroni enthusiast or a curious newcomer, this rendition will surely provide a refreshing and memorable experience.