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Coupe Glass

Coupe Glass: A Versatile Vessel for Craft Cocktails

The coupe glass, often referred to as the champagne saucer, has a storied history that reaches back to a time when it was the quintessential vessel for enjoying champagne. Though it has largely given way to the champagne flute for champagne service, the coupe glass has found a new home among cocktail enthusiasts and mixologists. This exploration will delve into the coupe glass’s intriguing journey and its role as a favored container for craft cocktails.

The coupe glass shares its design with the champagne saucer—a wide, shallow bowl with a short stem. In the early 20th century, it embodied elegance and sophistication, gracing the hands of those reveling in the Roaring Twenties and the Art Deco era. Its iconic shape became synonymous with celebration, glamour, and indulgence.

Champagne’s Evolution and the Rise of the Flute: As champagne production and preferences evolved, so did the design of glassware. Modern champagne is typically crisper, drier, and more effervescent, making the narrow and elongated champagne flute the preferred choice for preserving bubbles and showcasing aromas.

A Renaissance as a Cocktail Glass: While the coupe glass may have lost its status as the go-to champagne glass, it found a new purpose as a favored cocktail glass. Some of the world’s finest craft cocktails, such as the Martinez, the Sidecar, and the Aviation, have discovered their ideal home in the coupe glass.

The Coupe Glass’s Appeal for Cocktails:

1. Aesthetic Charm: The coupe glass retains its timeless elegance and aesthetics, adding a touch of sophistication to any cocktail presentation.

2. Ample Surface Area: The wide bowl of coupe glass allows for easy stirring and garnishing, making it a practical choice for bartenders crafting complex cocktails.

3. Aromatic Enhancement: The coupe’s design enables the release and concentration of a cocktail’s aromas, enhancing the overall drinking experience.

4. Versatility: Beyond classic cocktails, the coupe glass is also used for serving modern creations, making it a versatile choice for mixologists.

A Connection to Mixology’s Golden Age

The resurgence of classic and craft cocktails has led to a revival of the coupe glass, evoking a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era of mixology’s golden age.

In conclusion, the coupe glass has transitioned from symbolizing champagne elegance to a cherished vessel for craft cocktails. Its enduring appeal lies in its timeless design, which enhances both the aesthetics and the flavors of the drinks it holds. So, the next time you sip a classic cocktail from a coupe glass, you’re not just indulging in a libation but also toasting this beloved glassware’s rich history and versatility.

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